It looks even cuter with a baby in it, but I was in Mommy burn-out mode today and didn't even think to snap a picture when she had it on earlier. I found the dress pattern on Knitting Pattern Central under the girl's clothing section. (I have spent many happy hours browsing the free patterns they have collected in one convenient spot, and there is a sister site Crochet Pattern Central if knitting isn't your thing.) The shoes are a basic bootie pattern out of one of my growing library of knitting pattern books, and the hair bow is because I found that adorable watermelon button when I was picking out the little black buttons for the dress and shoes. And it's not like you can have too many hair bows, right?
I hope to have some more finished projects to share soon because I am going on a quilting retreat this next weekend. I am so excited. Three days of no kids and friends who share my addictions to fabrics and fiber. I think it is fun to have to take into account how to fit 10 sewing machines while packing the cars... And I don't want to get any one's hopes up, but considering that this is a quilt retreat, someone who has been waiting for over two years for a purple and butterflied quilt just might be pleasantly surprised. No promises though.